Put simply observation is the practice of looking at and listening to children to find out how they are developing, what they like doing and what they are learning through their play and the experiences on offer. It is important that parents and practitioners share what they know about these three things so that they can decide whether the child’s development is at the expected stage, whether the resources such as toys and equipment are suitable for the child and to focus them on what to provide in future to support the child to develop new interests, learn new skills and acquire new knowledge.
Observations of children are vital. Because each child has a unique set of abilities and talents, observations in different situations capture these first hand. The starting point is always with the child. Observing what children choose to do, what their interests are and who and what resources they enjoy playing with, provides adults with reliable information about children as individuals.
Observation also provides opportunities to gauge children’s needs and so more accurately plan next steps in their learning. Observations take place on a regular basis as part of daily routines. Discussing these with the child, their parents and team members gives a starting point for a holistic approach that will ensure that the child is always central to what is planned.
Further reading on observations can be accessed here