A nurturing approach recognises that positive relationships are central to both learning and wellbeing. A key aspect of a nurturing approach is an understanding of attachment theory and how early experiences can have a significant impact on development. It recognises that all school/ELC settings staff have a role to play in establishing the positive relationships that are required to promote healthy social and emotional development and that these relationships should be reliable, predictable and consistent where possible. A nurturing approach has a key focus on the school environment and emphasises the balance between care and challenge which incorporates attunement, warmth and connection alongside structure, high expectations and a focus on achievement and attainment.
It is based on the understanding of 6 Nurturing Principles which have been adapted and are outlined below:
Children’s learning is understood developmentally (NP 1)
The environment offers a safe base (NP 2)
The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing (NP 3)
Language is a vital means of communication (NP 4)
All behaviour is communication (NP 5)
Transitions are important in children and young people’s lives (NP 6)
A nurturing approach can be applied at both the universal and targeted level and promotes inclusive, respectful relationships across the whole school community, including learners, staff, parents/carers and partners.
More information for Professionals can be found here